Favorite Find

I’m a little behind (already!) on the 52 Ancestor challenge and that’s because the writing prompt is a bit stressful for me. The prompt is “Favorite Find”.

Nope, I can’t do it. I cannot pick ONE favorite find. All of my finds are hard-earned research nuggets that deserve the spotlight. Therefore for this homework assignment I am going to highlight my most recent favorite find.

My most recent favorite find is mention of my Dad in a Chicago southside newspaper titled the “Economist”.

The newspaper headline reads “11 sets of Area Twins Are Feted” and goes on to report that the Chicago Public High School graduating class of 1960 had 68 sets of twins graduating with eleven sets of the twins attending the semi-annual twins’ reception held in the school board’s assembly room on N. LaSalle street.

According to the article, my Dad and his twin David attended the event, along with Barbara and Betty Schaefer, who were also representatives from Morgan Park High School.

It’s these little stories that make my research so fulfilling. Dad was always super proud that he was a twin and secretly I’m sure he wanted twin grandchildren. (His grandmother Antoinette was a twin!) While that did not happen, the genetic disposition is still there (I believe) and time will tell if this genetic trait will get passed down.

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